Communications report to Convention 2024
Communications Co-ordinator Report 2024
Lion Heather Yaxley
The portfolio covers PR & Marketing communications, the LION Magazine and IT support. Members of the team work well together. With limited resources, we plan and implement projects effectively and efficiently. The key items to report are:
Championing local community volunteers. Built on the successful Step Forward resources, this initiative (funded by an LCI grant) encouraged others to get involved in local community volunteering. Twenty-four Lions members were asked to share their stories to show reasons why people decide to step forward and volunteer. Lions volunteer stories were profiled in LION magazine, public website, and social media. See:
Lions Tales – curated positive news. Inspiring and uplifting stories about local community volunteering are shared from across Lions Clubs British Isles in LION magazine, and on the website – with a new option to sign up for a new monthly e-newsletter called LIONS TALES. Looking forwards our intention is to add stories featuring multimedia (audio and video). This aligns with the Talking LION which has a new team of readers (alongside John May).
Technical developments. The public and member websites have had minimum downtime, thanks to proactive IT support, which also facilitates the Convention. and handles queries from national headquarters, MD officers and others. Communications Co-ordinator advising on potential of AI tools and how social media trends are affecting visibility of content. Insight points to value of interactive websites with strong SEO presence that can engage specific audiences with trusted content.
Crisis preparedness. Several clubs experienced incidents in the past year, with negative coverage in traditional media and/or social media channels. The MD communications team has experience in crisis communications and is ready to help at early stages of potential incidents.
LION Magazine report to Convention 2024
Lion Mandy Broadbent, Lion Ian Gott and Lion Rick Hough
Three printed copies of the LION magazine are produced in each Lionistic year – Autumn, Spring and Summer. With only two issues subsidised by Lions Clubs International, the third is covered in part by the PR/Marketing budget of MD105, Lions Clubs of the British Isles.
The LION magazine committee follows direction of Lions International to ensure content engages both members and the wider public. Themes are promoted for each issue: Autumn 2023: Together we achieve more, Spring 2024: Focus on Communities and Summer 2024 Celebrate and Appreciate. These inform interesting features, hundreds of club stories, and help create a unique magazine feel alongside inclusion of regular content items.
An established editorial and production team works with the LION magazine committee to develop, create, publish, and distribute several formats: flip file, pdf, app (via LCI site), and Talking LION audio version. This features a new team of narrators.
The committee works well with an editorial and production team responsible for development, creation, publishing, and distribution. Editions available in print format, flip file, pdf and via an app on the LCI site. The Talking LION audio version of the magazine features new narrators. Thanks to John May, Paul Macpherson, Brian Langton, Beverley Wood, Adrian Robinson, Richard Stannard and Nick Williams. See:
An archive of 24 episodes of LION Step Forward and Volunteer podcast is available at and apps: Podbean, Spotify, Apple, Google Podcasts.
We thank the team working on LION magazine, clubs for submitting stories, feature ideas and photographs, everyone reading the LION, and those who took part or listened to the podcast.
PR and Marketing report to Convention 2024
Lion Heather Yaxley
The PR & Marketing strategy seeks to create engaging materials that are informative, engaging and work as both public and member communications. These cover a range of channels (websites, social media, print) and convey messages relating to local community volunteering.
Step Forward. Expanded set of materials highlighting role of Lions in local communities, with booklets, leaflets, postcards, variety of posters plus shareable online images. These have been promoted in LION Magazine, by membership team, and a poster sent to clubs.
Step Forward and Volunteer. Additional episodes were recorded with several members and guests taking part in the past year. With a professional ex-BBC host, conversations share stories and advice about volunteering in local communities. Current and archive episodes are available on the public website, with transcripts.
Social media. Posts have promoted the positive difference volunteering makes in local communities, to underline the value of Lions membership and service. Presence is maintained on Facebook (@Lionsgetinvolved), Twitter (@LionsclubsBI), Instagram (Lionsclubsbritishisles) and LinkedIn (Lions-clubs-british-isles). A portfolio of social media images is available for clubs via the member website. Social media is monitored for club stories, news and contacts that are shared and/or have been followed up on for LION magazine, podcast and website.
Websites. The public site ( features focuses on local community volunteering through content, such as the 'Championing' initiative, and LIONS tales (positive news) with a new option to sign up for a new monthly e-newsletter. Stories are being developed to feature multimedia (audio and video). Links to the LION magazine and Talking LION (including archive), podcast episodes, and inquiry forms. The separate members site is designed help members/clubs by providing information from MD officers. Its search structure makes content, information, and downloads accessible, along with a link to the membership directory (in the member forum).
Information Technology report to Convention 2024
Lion Dave Allen
AV equipment / convention support. As usual, a professional, value for money operation has been organised for the National Convention. The team provides latest technology, working within budget to deliver a high standard AV service with branded presentations (embedding audio and video elements).
Websites, social media and software.
• Domain names ( and are registered. Site functionality is monitored and updated. SEO maintains website at top of Google searches.
• A free template for club websites is available, with guidance in setting up and managing.
• Technical support for social media is provided at MD and club level as required.
• Supported hosting of new Spectacle and Message in a Bottle websites.
• IT services for the national headquarters staff ensures effective and efficient operation.
• Support and upskilling is offered for members, clubs and officers in using Word, Excel,
PowerPoint, Office 365, Outlook/Mail, Zoom, WordPress, SharePoint and Microsoft Teams.
• Monitor and report on scams and notifications about these.
Lions Directory. On a dedicated Forum (via members website), this is updated continuously and downloaded thousands of times over the year. Liaise with LCI to update E-Clubhouse.
Priorities supporting digital upskilling within membership, developing digital directory, supporting initiatives and presence on paid, earned, owned and shared digital platforms.